Trip Tips

From our 15+ years of experience, here are the things we have learned: 


  • Don’t overpack.
  • Reef safe sunscreen is very much appreciated to help protect our oceans and the wildlife within them.
  • Leave expensive jewelry at home.
  • Long sleeve sun protection shirts for swimming and boating.
  • Hat and sunglasses.
  • Basic First Aid kit: Advil, Imodium, band aids,etc
  • Water proof bags and Ziplock bags for boat and panga rides.
  • Call your cellular carrier about international phone plans.
  • Get the WhatsApp App. You can call and text internationally for free.
  • Make photo copies of your passports.
    Bring small bills for tipping at hotels, airports, boats. Basically anytime someone helps with your luggage.
  • Ask your credit card company about possible travel insurance that is already included with your card.
  • Wet wipes and small packet of tissues are always nice to have on hand for those unexpected bathroom emergencies.